Saturday, May 4, 2024

Best Niches For Blogging In India In 2022

Blogging can replace your full-time job and allow you to earn a steady income. It is definitely one of the best ways to generate passive income. But gone are the days when you could target multiple industries with a single blog and rank at the top of the search engine results page. Choosing the right niche can make all the difference in your blogging journey. In this post, we will talk about the best niches for blogging in India in 2022. 

People all over the world search for “what’s the best niche to start a blog” or “what is the most profitable niche for blogging.” Today, we will walk you through our list of top 4 blogging niches for 2022. 

In order to make your blog successful, you need to become an authority in the space and the only way to do that – write more helpful content. You can also supplement your writing efforts with social media marketing and SEO optimisation. 

DIY Fashion & Style

Now, do not confuse DIY fashion with just fashion. We have already niched down to “Do it yourself.” So rather than writing about the latest dress worn by a celebrity or product launch by a renowned designer, you are going to write about the latest styles and how to recreate them at home instead of paying for them at a store. But DIY fashion and style are still a pretty big niche. You can dive deeper into the niche and create your blog in a particular genre. For example, you can create your blog on vintage fashion, artsy fashion, grunge fashion, bohemian fashion, etc. 

One thing about the DIY fashion and style niche is that it will always be an evergreen niche. Fashion and styles change over time, but you need to be receptive and adapt quickly to the latest trends. And if you are genuinely interested in fashion and recreating styles, this could be very fun to produce this kind of content. 

A popular DIY fashion blog can earn from sponsored posts, affiliate links and AdSense. People who read your post and want to recreate the style like you will happily click on your affiliate links. Even when recreating the styles, you need to buy fabric, accessories, threads and recommendations. So make sure you promote the right products, help people save money and create an incredible style. 


Here is why we love the idea of sewing as a niche. As the pandemic halted our day-to-day lives and forced us to stay indoors, a lot of people picked up new hobbies, including sewing. Check out the trend of people searching for “sewing” on google:

You might be wondering why we recommend this niche when there is a clear downfall in the search trends. During the pandemic, many people started their sewing journey but left it as soon as the lockdowns were lifted. So now all the searches are done by people actively involved in sewing, and you will get a better audience. 

Our research shows that sewing still has a lot of potential, and there are many gaps in the information available online, which you can fill with your blog. To monetise your blog, you can recommend sewing machines, sewing products, do sponsored posts or earn from AdSense. You can use social media and YouTube to supplement your efforts further and reach an even wider audience. 

Real Estate (Local)

It is probably one of our top picks in all the niches. Real estate, specifically local real estate, has a lot of potential to give you great returns. There are thousands of local real estate-related searches every day. You can find a ton of websites talking about real estate from a financial point of view by answering generic questions. But just like the other two niches, there are so many opportunities within the local real estate niche.

You can start creating a lot of helpful content about real estate in your area. You must remember that you genuinely want to help the user find all the relevant information. Nobody likes to read clearly biased content. You can follow our practice, which works for any niche. When writing content, think about what information you would want to read for that particular topic. Keyword stuffing is dead. Fluff content doesn’t rank anymore. If you write helpful content, you are going to rank. It is actually as simple as that. 

You can earn by referring leads to a local real estate agent, promoting local properties and from AdSense. 


Outdoors, as you can guess, is a pretty big niche to target. When we say outdoors, we are saying pick a niche within outdoors. 

People all over the globe have spent months cooped up inside their homes. In addition, people had a lot of time to watch videos and see photos of their favourite outdoor activities. Now that people are free to do what they want, we will see a massive boost in the travel and outdoors sector. Be it camping, fishing, kayaking, trekking, hiking, all sectors are going to flourish in the upcoming years. 

Create descriptive and helpful content in any of the sub-niches, and you will see stable growth in your site traffic. In addition, most outdoor activities rely on gear. For example, camping requires a sleeping bag, tent, cooking gear, shoes, pants, etc. This is applicable to most of the sub-niches. 

You can monetise this traffic by adding affiliate links and promoting relevant services of outdoors companies and AdSense.

That is it for our list of best niches for blogging in India in 2022. If you have any questions regarding niche blogging, drop a comment below, and we would be happy to provide you with more information.

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